Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Perfection Has Been Attained

What a face.....

When I started this blog over a year ago I started off with an explanation into how the idea of perfection and the striving towards its ideals were a waste of time. I told of how the pursuit of such a value was impossible and that we should understand that perfection did not exist here on earth.

I stand corrected.

There is a little girl named Wei Lu who is currently sleeping in an orphanage about 8,000 miles to the west of me and I would have to say that she is "perfect". Her eyes are the deepest black, her cheeks hold a twinge of red, her mouth is a shade of ruby, and I am fairly certain that she is a fighter just like her new mom and dad. I have searched for many a year to find exactly what God might look like and I believe I have my answer.

She sleeps and I dream.....this is how it should be.

I am still in the frame of mind that "perfection-is-overrated" and truly believe that the world's fascination with being good at everything is very detrimental to our future. I am changing my tune though when it comes to the idea that God would never strive for perfection within His own children. I continue to look at my new daughter's face and can't help but think along the lines of how "perfect" she looks. I can find no flaw and if God created her.....than perfection has been achieved. I am a "newbie" to this whole parent realm and won't even hold my daughter for the first time for another six weeks! I wonder if other parents ever take a moment and truly look at their children as a gift from God and what an impact they have on these beautiful packages.

If you are a parent I want to ask all of you a question and please answer it honestly.

Do you love your child? is the second question.

Do they know that you love them? Have you reminded them of your feelings?

Go back to the first time you laid eyes on your children. Remember the overwhelming feelings, the smiles, the tears, the promises of endless love. Before the strep throats, temper tantrums, report cards, sport teams, and piano lessons.......before life got complicated.


There are defining moments in everyone's life and often they get lost in the fog of the world's pursuit of making sure that we conform to normalcy. The defining moment that we all have in common is that when we were born our lives began and from that point the world changed forever. What was normal yesterday suddenly ceased to exist because of the insertion of another child into this vast world. We as parents have this unbelievable responsibility to care for this gift from God. We don't know what is in store for our children but I will guarantee that there is a plan and we must remember who put these children into the world and whose image they are designed after.

For one moment put aside the anxiety of parenthood and take a good look at your child's face.....remember the first time you laid eyes on this gift from God. Take yourself back to the feeling of utter devotion and recognize that this is still the same child, the same one you held close to your chest, the same one who you sang to late at night.......go back and get lost again.

I have held perfection before and had to say goodbye before I was ready. I have seen perfection again and as she closes her eyes tonight......her father sits a world away awash in the rays of a new day.

She sleeps and I dream...........the way it should be.

God has struck again........perfection has been attained.

**Thank you to Kim for the inspiration.


Anonymous said...

You are very welcome! And I feel honored to have been your inspiration, or at least your partial inspiration....(Smile). That was very unexpected, but nice.

Anonymous said...

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In His name,