Thursday, April 26, 2007

From the Halls of Kentucky V

Hello all! Today we continue our youth series titled "From the Halls of Kentucky". I am lucky to have some great writing talent among the teenagers that I work with and I wanted to share some of their insight with you. Today's devotion is from a young man named Randall. It deals with the realization of what this life truly means and gives some insight in how to live it. Enjoy.


Some people may say that I am the typical teen living the typical life of an eighteen year old. I get up every morning and go about my normal routine of getting ready for school. I go outside, start my car, and crank the heat up hoping that it will disintegrate all of the icy matter that has built up over the past few hours. Then I am off to start another day of my life in this crazy world. I find myself constantly on the run trying to live my life so I have something to look back on. I guess I am just now realizing that you need to slow down and take life step by step. I try to point myself more towards God but I still manage to let that part of life slip away.

Romans 12: 18 talks about living in peace with everyone. I find myself starting to look at life as a race. A race to see who can find themselves at the finish line and then be able to take a step back and say that they have officially accomplished life. I feel that this verse is trying to say that even though people in this world have different opinions we need to accept that and treat them as if they were your own blood. It would take more time out of our crazy lives to be someone’s enemy then simply just their friend. It shouldn’t matter what color, race, or gender the other person is, we just need to remember that we are all human and will make mistakes; in order to better ourselves, we need to move on and accept life.


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