Monday, March 05, 2007

Welcome to the Crossroad

What was your moment?

We have all been faced with hard decisions. Choices that will forever shape our future and we know it. We stand at the proverbial crossroad and look to the left and then over to the right. We know that this is something that will affect us for the rest of our lives and we are afraid of making a mistake.

So we freeze.

The decision has to be made, but we are so paralyzed by the fear of the unknown that it is easier to just ignore the pressing problem and save it for tomorrow. Maybe we know someone who has been at these crossroads in the past and it didn't end well for them. The knowledge that failure is a possibility creeps into our hearts and urges us to not make any rash decisions.

So you sit.

Maybe there is a conflict. Maybe you want to go to the right but your partner wants to go to the left. Maybe there have been arguments, fights, and tears in regards to what direction needs to be taken. Maybe.....maybe this decision is about the other person and they don't even know it.

So you wait.

Does this decision involve a disease, a drug, a drink, or an addictive situation? Is the demon in one direction and the answer to the other? Does the demon look more inviting? Does the voice in your head override the one talking to you from your heart? Does this whole thing make you want to scream? The choice is there but you are incapable of making the right one?

So you cry.

Maybe you are tired of having to make choices? Maybe you wish that someone would just make it for you and relieve you of having to be accountable for whatever may happen? Maybe you feel that no matter what decision you make it will be the wrong one? Maybe you have been burned so many times that the crossroad has become a barrier rather than an opportunity?

So you turn your back.

Is this decision one of life and death? Are you looking to the left and seeing the relief of darkness and looking to the right and seeing the horror of living? Has this life become so dismal that you have arrived at the final crossroad and are ready to throw in the towel? Has this life beaten you? Is this it?

So you give up.

Please listen to me and understand that we have all been there. Have you ever looked deep into someone's eyes and saw the pain that lies behind the lens? We are all very good at walking through this world as if we all have a strong grip on this thing called life. If you ask us how our lives are we will inevitably answer with words like: "Fine!", "Great!", "Couldn't be better!". The reality is that we all carry baggage and it can get heavy sometimes. Those decisions that affect our lives become extra pieces of luggage and sometimes it just becomes to much to carry. We stand at the crossroad, alone, sad, and hunched over with the weight of our lives on our backs. We glance to the left and then back to the right. We want so badly to make the right choice that tears well up in our eyes.

So we pray.

We pray that God would take this weight from our shoulders and wipe away the stress from our hearts. We pray that we choose the direction that will bring us closer to our Father. We pray for a guiding hand and a soothing voice. We pray that this Life becomes something filled with meaning and truth. We pray for forgiveness and the ability to enter the hearts of the ones we love. We pray for help. We pray for life.

What was your moment? What was the moment in which God entered your life and told you that all would be okay? When was the time in which your heart nearly burst with the love and compassion that can only be given to us by our Father?

Welcome to the crossroad. Say a prayer and make a choice.....


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